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Fan Lists

Select a list to include all your new fans and create another list to include fans based on their spending.

Updated over 8 months ago

Sometimes a list of new fans is useful for e.g. excluding them from mass messages.

Click on "Automate OnlyFans" → "Lists" → "New Subs List" on the sidebar and choose a list in which all new fans will be automatically included.

That’s everything! New fans will be added to your selected list from now on.

Here, you can view information about all your collection lists.

Click on "Automate OnlyFans" → "Lists" → "Fan Spend Lists" on the sidebar and see all existing lists.

If you don't have any lists just add them by using the "+ Add List" button.

Configure the spend list of your fans: give the list's name, choose the minimum and maximum fans spending, and decide whether fans with expired subscriptions will be included in the list.

After adding the list you will see it in the table.

You can edit the list by clicking on the pencil in the "Action" column. You should click on the trash in the "Action" column to delete the list.

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