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Fan Summary

AI Assistant is analyzing fan interactions to gain insights, helping you craft more effective and personalized messages.

Updated over 8 months ago

Choose a chat with an established fan. Click on "AI Assistant" and you’ll see the "Fan Summary" section.

Important Note

The chat must contain at least 200 messages for accurate analysis.

Click on "Generate new Information" button to gain a deeper understanding of your fans' preferences, interests, and interaction patterns.

You can edit the generated information about the fan by clicking on the pencil icon in the upper right corner. Click on "Copy All" to copy all sections about the fan, or click on the copy icon to copy a specific section.

Good to know:

After analyzing and understanding your fan's persona, you can use the "Send Recommendations" section to generate a completely unique message tailored to your fan. This message will be based on the insights learned from the Fan Summary analysis, ensuring that it resonates with their specific character and interests.

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